My Snuggle Bunny

My Snuggle Bunny

she is in fact a dog (don’t get confused by the title, that’s just a saying…I think) Pebbles, my 6 1/2 lbs morkie snuggling with my man’s shorts. She misses him.

The Princess, Evil Dragon, and a Sea Wolf.

Once upon a time there was a Princess and an Evil Dragon. And a Sea Wolf. The Princess was trying to save the sea wolf from the binding spells of the Evil Dragon!… Continue reading

The Duchess of Hartford.

Once upon a time there was a beautiful girl who was to become the Duchess of Hartford. She was very nervous for the coronation ceremony only to find out she would not become… Continue reading

The Unhappy Prince

Once upon a time there was a truly handsome prince. He was absolutely lovely. He had succeeded at every task thrown his way. He was top of his class, won every science fair,… Continue reading

I’ve Realized:

I’ve realized: it’s hard to believe you. I’m too good for a lot of things i put up with. i please myself last. i don’t want to blame you. but it is your… Continue reading

Out to lunch. Be back in 5.

Lunch date? So far so good…#keepupthegoodwork

oh the life of a starving artist


Headshots anyone? Oh the life of a #starving artist.

Fall To Pieces – Avril Lavigne – YouTube

Fall To Pieces – Avril Lavigne – YouTube.

Rockin the All-Stars.

Rockin the All-Stars.

are we really becoming that couple?

Greetings from LA

Shalom cyberland! it has been a while since I have been in front of a computer. I arrived in LA and went straight to work helping Mr. Boy (my dating details will be… Continue reading

  • Birthday Extravaganza!!!!!!!!!!

    My BirthdaySeptember 28, 2012
    I'm turning 22! come out and join the partying shenanigans, vegas style including but not limited to inflatable furniture, glow sticks, gummy bears, love, scavenger hunts, bubbles, and maybe a bounce house or two.